
Errudite is an opensourced software tool for performing and sharing error analyses in natural language processing tasks. Errudite is designed following three principles:

  • First, error groups should be precisely defined for reproducibility; Errudite supports this with an expressive domain- specific language.

  • Second, to avoid spurious conclusions, a large set of instances should be analyzed, including both positive and neg- ative examples; Errudite enables systematic grouping of relevant instances with filtering queries.

  • Third, hypotheses about the cause of errors should be explicitly tested; Errudite supports this via automated counterfactual rewriting.

Abstract Data Classes

As the basis for extending Errudite to other tasks and predictors, we use two abstract classes to:

  • register the customized classes or functions via Registrable, so we could add our own code without extensively touching the source folder.

  • store the objects in a hash variable via Store, so all the created instances and analyses can be easily queried and used in various functions.

Data Structure Design

Regardless of the task, raw data are transferred into Instance s, which in turn are homogeneous collections of Target s. Which Targets they contain depends on the type of data. For example, for machine comprehension (or datasets like SQAuD), an instance will have Question, Context, Groundtruths, and Predictions.

We provide some preprocessed cache folders downloading:

Main Analysis Methods

At the core of Errudite is an expressive domain-specific language (DSL) for precisely querying instances based on linguistic features. Using composable building blocks in DSL, Errudite supports forming semantically meaningful groups and rewriting instances to test counterfactuals across all available validation data.

Extending Errudite

To extend Errudite to your own task and model, you will need to write your own DatasetReader, and your own Predictor wrapper. A DatasetReader knows how to turn a file containing a dataset into a collection of Instance s, and how to handle writting the processed instance caches to the cache folders. A Predictor wraps the prediction function of a model, and transfers the prediction to Label targets.

Errudite can be used in JupyterLab, or, for machine comprehension and visual question comprehension, we have a graphical user interface:


  1. The design and implementation of Errudite is inspired by Allennlp.

  2. We use SpaCy as the underlying preprocessing.

  3. We use Altair for visualizing attributes, groups, and rewrites.

Indices and tables